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Birthday/age:  2.5 yrs

Gender: Female (Golden Retriever)

Weight: 85 lb

Energy Level: Moderate

Children: 10+

Dogs:  Good

Cats: Unknown

Car: Good

Swimming: Would love to try!

To adopt a lab please fill in the online application 

Contact us at for questions.



Super sweet and ready to meet!


Melody here!  Now that my motherly duties are complete, I'm ready to find a place to hang my leash and be a spoiled member of the family. 


I'm told I have a lovely personality and my leash skills are top notch.  I'm remembering my basic commands, especially if you have a yummy treat to reward me.  


I'm "getting my paws wet" meeting other dogs. I play really well outside and enjoy sharing my walks with the senior dog in my foster home.  Sharing my home with another dog is still up for debate.  Maybe if my humans can ensure I get lots of love to make for all I've been missing, I could be open to it for the right match.  

And there's nothing like a "Melody morning greeting", where I like to give you lots of hugs and wait patiently at your feet for pets before we have our morning coffee!

And I love to give "smiles", when you come through the door, it's the cutest thing ever. I wanted to make sure I got it on video for you!


I have a soft spot for snuggles and would do well in a family with children over the age of 10 with large dog experience.  I'm not sure about cats so will pass on those for now.


My perfect family will have lots of time for walks, exploring and endless cuddles. Are you my match?


Love Melody


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