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Birthday/age:  6 yrs (Sept. 3/16)

Gender: Male

Weight: 82 lbs

Energy Level: Moderate

Children: Good

Dogs: Good

Cats: Good

Car: Good

Swimming: Would love to try!


Hi guys! I’m Sammy and I’m 6 year old love bug! I’m a really friendly and affectionate dude whose just loves people!


I am a regular on the hiking trails in my ‘hood … nothing like a good hike to keep you in shape! And I often stop by the leash-free dog area to say hello to all my doggie friends! I’m pretty good on leash, although I could probably use a little help meeting new friends on leash the “gentlemanly” way! Playing fetch is another favourite pastime of mine!


I’m good in the house on my own if you need to go do human-only stuff. I usually just hang out and sleep in the living room while you’re out. At night I have a big doggie bed in the bedroom.


And wait till you hear all the commands I know … sit, stay, down, wait, leave it, turn around, speak, back-up and so many more!! I am patient and food motivated, so you could teach me anything!


I love my car rides to the trails, just hanging out back there looking at all the sights! And here’s another bonus … I’m good with cats having lived with one!


I’m looking for an active family who will love me for me, and after our big hikes we can cuddle up on the couch and you can say to me “put your head on my lap” and I will, another command I know!


What are you waiting for! My DM’s are open!


Love Sammy

To adopt a lab please fill in the online application 

Contact us at for questions.


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