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Birthday/age:  1.5 yrs

Gender: Zepp (F) / Floyd (M)

Weight: Zepp 94 lb/Floyd 55 lb

Energy Level: Moderate

Children: 12+

Dogs:  Good


Car: Good

Swimming: Good

To adopt a lab please fill in the online application 

Zepp & Floyd

Hi there! We’re brother and sister, Zepp & Floyd! Just like the famous rock stars!


We’re 1.5 years old and our specialty is cuddling!


We are super smart, well behaved and know all our basics. We love the outdoors and going for walks; we must admit though our leash skills could use a little work, we get a little pully we are so excited to get out there! Those no-pull harnesses would be great for us! We are used to the rural life and our recall skills are very good!


We just love meeting new people and get super excited. We are great with the kids and love playing with them and all their little friends when they come over. 


We are great with all kinds of dogs. We’ve even been to doggie daycare and did very well! We haven’t had the opportunity to meet a cat, not sure we want to live with them, seeing as we like to chase squirrels.


We have a toy box full of stuffies that we just love to play with! We both love the water … Zepp is more the swimmer and Floyd the wader. We love fetch, although Floyd would rather walk around with a ball in his mouth sometimes! There’s nothing like going for a car ride, we just hang out back there with our heads out the window listening to our playlist!


We are well behaved and have bundles of fun together and so much love and cuddles to give, and kisses too!


Gotta go, walk time! Our DMs are open!!


Love Zepp & Floyd


Contact us at for questions.


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