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angel poster.png

Birthday/age:  2 yrs

Gender: Female

Weight: 62 lb

Energy Level: Moderate

Children: 10+

Dogs:  Good


Car: Good

Swimming: Would love to try!


Hi there! I’m Angel, and my personality matches my name!


Boy what a big world this is, I have so much to learn, but so far so good!! I have an amazing foster sibling and he is showing me the ropes and helping me build my confidence!! I’m new to walking on a leash, but am getting the hang of it!


Dog toys …. Boy there sure are lots out there for us … I’m still testing, so not sure what my favourite is yet!


I a sweet, loving gal and really enjoy when my human puts their hand under my chin gives me rubs and tells me what an “angel” I am!!


I’m a sweet, smart girl who can’t wait to take the world on with my new family!


If you’re looking for a little “heaven” in your life, I’m your gal!


Love Angel

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