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Birthday/age:  May 22/20 

Gender: Female

Weight: 75 lbs

Energy Level: Moderate

Children: Good

Dogs:  Good


Car: Good

Swimming: Would love to try!

To adopt a lab please fill in the online application 


Hi there! Macy here, I'm a 3-year-old love bug!

I'm just getting settled into my fosters, but so far so good they tell me! I'm learning so much! I enjoy my walks, and am doing pretty good on this harness thing, and gosh do I look quite fashionable in it too! There's so much to smell out there, I just can't get out there fast enough!

I've had the pleasure of meeting lots of dogs and people on my walk, and am quite the social butterfly! 

I 've learned all about "couch cuddling", that's got to be the best thing ever! I could get used to that! Do you suffer from cold feet? I'm great at warming them up, you won't need slippers with me around!!

I'm a well-mannered girl in the house and am okay if you need to go out to do that human-only stuff for short periods.

I had a wash and blow-out recently and boy did it feel good! I also had a little nip and tuck on my eye! After all, its important for us girls to keep up a beauty routine!

I haven't had the opportunity to swim yet but boy I can't wait to get my bikini on and get out there and try it. 

I've not met a cat, not sure what I think of them, I'm certainly not a fan of those pesky squirrels when I'm enjoying quiet time in the yard, so I don't know that I would like to live with a cat.

I'm a real sweet gal, who is looking for a family that will give me time and patience so that I can be the best version of me!

Well, what do you think? Should we meet?!

Love Macy

Contact us at for questions.


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