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Maggie poster.png

Birthday/age:  5 yrs

Colour: Yellow

Gender: Female

Weight: 115 lb

Energy Level: Moderate

Children: 12+

Dogs: Good

Cats: Good

Car: Good

Swimming: Would love to try!

To adopt a lab please fill in the online application 


Hi Everybody!


Maggie here.  I'm 5 years old and super duper sweet.  I'm so excited to be on my new healthy track now.  Change starts today!  I'm on a healthy diet and a progressive exercise routine to help drop these extra pounds I'm carrying.  I can't wait to fit into my yellow polka dot bikini soon!


I'm full of kisses when we meet and take no time to warm up at all.  I'm friendly with other dogs and I don't mind cats.  


Training to expand my knowledge would be great.  Of course, treats are my motivator, but since I'm dieting and watching my waistline they will have to be those low cal ones! But a good belly rub is always a good motivator too and I will never that down!


If you want to be part of making a real difference in a sweet girl's life then you could be my match.  I'm all set to take on this world and I just need a family by my side to help enjoy it. I just know my match is out there! If you're looking for a simple gal with a kind soul that loves to give loves, look no further!


Gotta go!  Off to get my steps in for the day! 


Love Maggie

Contact us at for questions.


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