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nina poster.png

Birthday/age:  4.5 mos

Gender: Female

Weight:  lbs

Energy Level: Age appropriate

Children: 8+

Dogs: Good


Car: Good

Swimming: Would love to try!

To adopt a lab please fill in the online application 


Hi Friends!


I'm Nina and I must toot my horn for a second and tell you how brilliant I am, already!  


I just arrived in my foster home and I've already learned "sit", how to potty outside and all about this leash thingy.  Pretty awesome, eh?


I love to cuddle and I'm super happy to meet everyone who crosses my path.  I'm told I'm a great supervisor of chores and super fun girl to have around.


I'm learning new things so fast and love everything about my new life, the treats, the comfy bed and all the love!!


Do you have love to share with me?  Come on, DM me and let's meet!

Love Nina


Contact us at for questions.


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