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Birthday/age:  2 yrs

Gender: Male

Weight: 95 lb

Energy Level: Moderate

Children: 12+

Dogs: Good

Cats: No thanks


Swimming: Would love to try!



To adopt a lab please fill in the online application 

Hi Friends!


Meet your new social life manager!  I'm Toby and I'm a handsome yellow boy of two years old.  I have that stud muffin look that everyone needs to meet on walks which delights me since I'm just so charming.


I'm the popular dude at the park or at daycare where I enjoy playing with my friends.  I get along with everyone I meet.  When I see another dog while I'm on leash my tail takes over my body with the wiggles.


Oh did I mentioned my leash skills are pretty darn good?  I sometimes use this harness thingy to help me not to pull but I'm quite manageable after the initial sniffs.  I know my basics too! 


I'm great in the house and sleep with my human at night.  I'm allowed on the couch and I have toys to play with but prefer to chew my bone.  My favourite games are fetch, tug of war and swimming.  The best part, I'm good in the car too!


I haven't met young children and I am a big boy so I may knock the wee one over accidentally but the bigger kids would be fun!


Wow I sound like such a catch! I'd like my new family to have lots of time for me, from walks, swimming, play dates with other dogs to couch cuddles...I dream of it all. Come on what are you waiting for! My DMs are open!


Love Toby

Contact us at for questions.


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