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Birthday/age:  6 yrs (Jul 11/17)

Colour: Yellow

Gender: Female

Weight: 78 lb

Energy Level: Moderate

Children: 12+

Dogs: Good

Cats: No thanks

Car: Good

Swimming: Would love to try!



To adopt a lab please fill in the online application 


Are you looking for a mature female for long walks on the beach, endless cuddles and loyal companionship?  Well look no further, you found her!


Trixie here! I'm 5 years old and simply adorable! Did you know my name in Latin means “bringer of joy”?? Well I think that describes me to a “T”! I bring joy everywhere I go! I’m a real sweetie pie who is super loveable and great with people.


My foster reports I’m a dream who makes a wonderful companion! I’m a smart gal and know lots of commands … if you give me some yummy treats I will show you all I know! I’m a happy, calm, affection gal who loves to be loved on! I’m a real snuggle bug and love to curl up with you on the couch. I also love to cuddle with my "babies", my basket full of stuffed toys!


I’m pretty darn good on leash too if I may say so myself, I don’t pull and just stroll along, occasionally stopping to take in the smells of the ‘hood! I’m quite the social butterfly too having met lots of new friends on our walks, human and canine! I have even managed to snag myself a few “boyfriends”! I love to hang out with you in the yard under the tree where it’s nice and cool and play with my toys. I'm a perfect house guest and don’t get up on the furniture unless I’m invited. But don’t worry, if you need to do human-only stuff, I'm good on my own for a bit!


I’m a real simple gal, who has lots of love to give, and can’t wait to be included in all that stuff families do! And of course, don’t forget a basket of stuffy "babies" for me to cuddle!


What are you waiting for?! My DMs are open!


Love Trixie

Contact us at for questions.


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