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Birthday/age:  10 yrs

Gender: Female

Weight: 45 lb

Energy Level: Moderate

Children: 10+

Dogs:  Good


Car: Good

Swimming: Would love to try!

To adopt a lab please fill in the online application 

Contact us at for questions.



Dear Santa Paws,


You know I’ve had many Christmases in my day as a senior girl, but I’m writing you this year to ask for a very special Christmas wish. You see, no one came for me when I was found out in the cold scared and alone…. no one. My friends at Lab Rescue took me in and have been showing me love and compassion while they search for my family. 


Santa Paws, you know I’ve been a good girl this year.  You know I walk beautifully on leash, I know my basics and all I really ask for a day is a comfy spot to lay my head beside you on the couch. I enjoy making canine friends and playing in the yard and who knows, with the right fit, maybe I would even like another laid back senior in my home. 


My needs are very simple. My wish to you this Christmas is for a family to love me unconditionally as I continue to age gracefully.  I would like a quiet home with someone who is home often, perhaps a retired family. I still have lots of love to give to someone who enjoys leisurely strolls, a friend by their side, car rides, and movie nights on the couch.  


Please, Santa Paws, please find my forever family this in time for Christmas. 



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